Meet The Owners
Play It Again Kids is owned and operated by Korina and Andrew Rennie.
We moved to Nelson in June 2013 from the Lower Mainland. Korina was born and raised in the Kootenays, and Andrew is originally from Scotland, so Nelson presented the perfect opportunity to be closer to Korina’s family near Creston, yet still enjoy all the amenities the city has to offer.
We first came to Nelson while on a camping trip to Garland Bay, and fell in love with the city, it's people and the surrounding area, so when we discovered Play It Again Kids was looking for new owners, and we could actually live here, we jumped at the chance.
Aside from the draw of less hectic lifestyle, the big motivation for the move was our son Caeden, for whom the (relatively nearby) pastoral setting of West Creston was like a second home - a place where he could spend all day shadowing his grandparents, while enjoying all the freedom the countryside offers.
In addition to Caeden, we also have a grown-up daughter Jaryn - who is raising her own little ones here in Nelson. Being grandparents has been an easy adjustment for us...and we feel especially lucky to have them so close by.
Prior to owning the store, Korina pursued a career in management and finance, while Andrew has a background in marketing management. This marriage of right and left brain thinking works to keep the store ever-evolving and growing. It helps us maintain a balance and never tire of each other, in spite of working and living together every day.
Somehow it just works!
Andrew & Korina, Store Owners at Play It Again Kids